Avril 15th April 2017

My Big Brother Paul You and I are from the same special seeds, siblings, totally unique, yet in some ways so alike. Our Mum and Dad planted those seeds which matured into a tree and like its branches, over the years we grew in different directions and followed our own paths, yet our roots are the same. As we followed those different paths sometimes we fell and stumbled and fought as brothers and sisters do. But sibling relationships are special. They resurface after quarrels and survive the death of parents. They share special family memories and secrets. Siblings are the people we rely on and they know each other’s hearts. A sibling is the only other person in the world who knows what it is like to have been brought up the way we were. I know deep in my heart, that throughout my life’s troubles you have always been my protector, my safe pair of hands and the one I knew I could depend on. Now there is no one to replace you. Oh how I wish we could have our time again. Love Avril. xx